
Sweeny Todd: Mrs Lovett’s Meat Pies

Simple and delicious, we kept this simple and paired it with … what else? Gin! We made a sloe gin fizz but a non-alcoholic ginger ale paired well for the non-alcoholic drinkers too. We made crescent dough “fingers” too! Happy Halloween everyone!  

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Cinema Du Fromage

Soylent Green Pea Soup w/meaty bits

This movie is more than a dystopian vision of the future and literal nightmare fuel, it’s a grotesque and cynical view of the world. Of course, it’s a classic too. We paired this movie up with a wonderful green pea soup w/meaty bits (Prosciutto on breadsticks)…

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Red Hook – Candyman Drink – Non-alcoholic

Nothing says Candyman like a red hook and for a dinner celebrating one of our favorite movies, this drink was a must. We made it with alcohol and then decided to make a non alcoholic version too. (This is the non-alcoholic version) Nothing says love getting…

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Red Hook – Candyman drink with alcohol

Nothing says Candyman like a red hook and for a dinner celebrating one of our favorite movies, this drink was a must. We made it with alcohol and then decided to make a non alcoholic version too. Nothing says love getting hooked on all things Candyman.…

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City Chicken – The Candyman Setting

This recipe is rumored to have multiple origins but it seems clear that at the heart of it’s creation is a desire to eat something other than chicken, which was considered a “poor man’s” dish. This delicious main course is best  created with some veal, but…

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